Presenting Cupcake Shop! It’s a clicker game – Holly and I made the artwork together, and I made most of the game by following an interesting clicker-style game tutorial by Jimmy Vegas. It was a very good learning experience. I was able to add some visual excitement with fountains of cupcakes and coins, and the occasional bakery fire animation.
The game isn’t perfect, there are still some of bugs and things I could expand on, but I’m happy with how it turned out. I learned some things that I’ll be able to apply to our other projects.
Something that gave me trouble was failing to link the UI canvas to the camera view – there is a drop down menu setting for this. Unity has SO many menus and settings. I had difficulty getting my cupcakes or coins to appear in the scene when the game was playing. Turns out the scale and camera angle weren’t showing them. Once I got the UI canvas and camera linked, things made a lot more sense. Then, getting the game to appear properly in the windows after building, posting and embedding it – such a struggle! I’m calling it done.